jueves, 28 de enero de 2010

Balance Cine 2009

Mejores Estrenos
1.Adventureland (Un Verano Memorable
2.Criatura de la Noche (Let the Right One In)
3.Una Semana Solos
4.Bastardos sin Gloria
5.Arrastrame al Infierno
6.Ponyo y el Secreto de la Sirenita
7.Los Amantes
9.Gran Torino
10.Belle Tojours
11.El Sol
12.My Winipeg
13.La Piedra Magica/El Luchador
14.Julie y Julia
15.El Primer Año del Resto de Nuestras Vidas (Un Conte de Noel)
16. Entre los Muros
17. Marley y Yo
18. ¿Que Paso Ayer?/ A Prueba de Muerte
19. Coraline y la Puerta Secreta
20. Del Tiempo y La Ciudad
Bonus:Up:Una Aventura de Altura

Las Peores
La Ola
Luna Nueva
El Curioso caso de Benjamin Button

Mejores no estrenos (basicamente Dvd Ampliado)
1.Aquel Querido mes de Agosto
2.Aquiles y la Tortuga
3.Agne Varda y las Playas
6.Mal Ejemplo
7.Wendy y Lucy
8.Sonata Tokyo
(Bueno el sexto puesto es ,lamentablemente,es la única directo a DVD que vi este año,es un rubro que le tengo que dar mas bola,asi que ya vere este año Piña Express,Hermanastros y otras interesantes propuestas.)

Mejores Clásicos en 35mm
1.La Rodilla de Clara
2.Mi Noche con Maud
3.Conozco la Canción
4.Mi Tio de América
5.Pauline en la Playa/Mèlo

Mejores Clásicos (DVDampliado y no,35mm,Dvd-Rom)(vistos por primera vez este año)
1.La Adorable Revoltosa
2.The Palm Beach Story
3.Ugetsu :Cuentos de la Luna Palida
4.La Rodilla de Clara
5.El Hombre Quieto
6.Solo los Ángeles Tienen Alas
7.Esposa Ultimo Modelo
8.El Terror de las Chicas
9.Vitaminas para el Amor
10.Una Mujer es una Mujer/Melò

La Sobrevalorada: Slumdog Millonarie-¿Quien Quiere ser Millonario?
La Subvalorada: La Piedra Mágica
Las sorpresas del año:Criatura de la Noche/Los Amantes/Marley & Yo
Directores mediocres que hicieron peliculas buenas:El Secreto de sus Ojos(Campanella)/2012 (Emerich)
Mejor Actor protagonico del año:Joaquin Phoenix (Los Amantes)
Mejor Actriz ptotagonica del año: Kristen Stewart (Adventureland/Luna Nueva)
Mejor Actor secundario del año:Kurt Reynolds (Adventureland)
Mejor Actriz secundaria del año: Aryana Engineer (La Huerfana)
Animal (no humano) del año: Marley (Marley y yo)
Actores que se reivindicaron (no los soportaba y en estos papeles me encantaron):
Guillermo Franchella (El Secreto de sus Ojos)/Brad Pitt(Bastardos sin Gloria)
Regresos del año: San Raimi al cine de Terror (Arrastrame al Infierno)/Clint Eastwood al clasicismo de sus películas de Deuda Sangre para atras y que habia abandonado a partir de Rio Místico (Gran Torino)
Actriz revelación del año:Lina Leandersson(Criatura de la Noche)/Eleonera Capobianco (Una Semana Solos)
Actor Revelación del año:Kare Hedebrant (Criatura de la Noche)
Peliculas de las que se hablo tanto que me artaron los veborragicos:
Slumdog Millonarie/ El Secreto de sus Ojos/Bastardos Sin Gloria
Genero del año: Terror (Arrastrame al Infierno/La Huerfana/Criatura de la Noche)
Decepcion del año: Enemigos Públicos
Mejor Comienzo:Bastardos sin Gloria
Mejor Final:Criatura de la Noche/Arrastrame al Infierno
!Que groso que a esta pelicula le haya ido bien en la boleteria (argenta)!:
¿Que Paso Ayer?
¿Como semejante mierda puede tener tanto exito?:Luna Nueva

10 comentarios:

rvs dijo...

uhh... demasiadas cosas para responder rápido. No era nada extraordinario pero no me decepciono Enemigo Público, etc. rvs

Melisma Mixolidio dijo...

que raro que pusiste a La Ola entre las peores, a mi me dejo pensando en unas cuantas cosas...

Anónimo dijo...

Hi, as you may already found I am new here.
In first steps it's very nice if someone supports you, so hope to meet friendly and helpful people here. Let me know if I can help you.
Thanks and good luck everyone! ;)

Unknown dijo...

esta chevere tu blog...
segui posteando.

ahi te dejo para que lo cheques:



MaríaLuisa dijo...

me gustó tu blog (:
muchas veces he sentido la necesidad de un lugar donde informarme acerca de buenas películas...
seguiré ojeando, saludos.

Pedro Garcia Millan dijo...



You see, Bush Sr., & Jr., Clinton, Reagan, Carter, Obama, Ford...ALL these presidents are in what is dubbed a SECRET SOCIETY called The Moloch Axis Demoniacs (i coined the phrase myself...Dr. A.P. and i don't use my full name because WHO knows WHAT sinister crap they'd do to me IF they found out?) or M.A.D. for short.

These people, and there’s obviously more of them (Cheney, Rumsfeld etc.) than the ones mentioned, control KEY positions not just in government, business, finance, society etc. They not only perpetuate what will keep them in power today, but take steps to GRADUALLY erode MORAL, SOCIAL and FAMILY VALUES in society. This degradation is so gradual that it's like hair loss! You see it ever so slowly and you have to be a keen eye to boot!

For example, women in the workforce...they go to work so WHO takes care of the kids? Some goofs getting minimum wage who could care less about those kids. Family split apart because NOW both parents work and the cost of life itself purposely increased to perpetuate this separation. Kids grow up with NO moral/social/family values. Repeat this a few generations and before you know it, you have mindless zombies that don't know RIGHT from WRONG! The masses will be easily programmable to get in debt, and be anti-Christ-like etc. Add ASPERTAME, Fluoride in tap water, MSG and genetically modified foodstuffs to the mix and the process expands both rapidly & exponentially.

Also, the coming mark of the beast 666. Remember HOW it all used to be ca$h only? Then they introduced checks, then credit cards to get yourself in serious financial troubles, then ATM cards, and now that STUPID SWIPE-PASS card. What is the purpose of all this? To get people broken down enough and stupid enough through putting FLUORIDE in the drinking water and ASPERTAME in soda drinks/pop cans so we ALL can accept the 666 chip. So NOBODY can buy or sell or own ANYTHING lest he has the mark of the beast (anti-Christ) which is 666.

Pedro Garcia Millan dijo...



You see, Bush Sr., & Jr., Clinton, Reagan, Carter, Obama, Ford...ALL these presidents are in what is dubbed a SECRET SOCIETY called The Moloch Axis Demoniacs (i coined the phrase myself...Dr. A.P. and i don't use my full name because WHO knows WHAT sinister crap they'd do to me IF they found out?) or M.A.D. for short.

These people, and there’s obviously more of them (Cheney, Rumsfeld etc.) than the ones mentioned, control KEY positions not just in government, business, finance, society etc. They not only perpetuate what will keep them in power today, but take steps to GRADUALLY erode MORAL, SOCIAL and FAMILY VALUES in society. This degradation is so gradual that it's like hair loss! You see it ever so slowly and you have to be a keen eye to boot!

For example, women in the workforce...they go to work so WHO takes care of the kids? Some goofs getting minimum wage who could care less about those kids. Family split apart because NOW both parents work and the cost of life itself purposely increased to perpetuate this separation. Kids grow up with NO moral/social/family values. Repeat this a few generations and before you know it, you have mindless zombies that don't know RIGHT from WRONG! The masses will be easily programmable to get in debt, and be anti-Christ-like etc. Add ASPERTAME, Fluoride in tap water, MSG and genetically modified foodstuffs to the mix and the process expands both rapidly & exponentially.

Also, the coming mark of the beast 666. Remember HOW it all used to be ca$h only? Then they introduced checks, then credit cards to get yourself in serious financial troubles, then ATM cards, and now that STUPID SWIPE-PASS card. What is the purpose of all this? To get people broken down enough and stupid enough through putting FLUORIDE in the drinking water and ASPERTAME in soda drinks/pop cans so we ALL can accept the 666 chip. So NOBODY can buy or sell or own ANYTHING lest he has the mark of the beast (anti-Christ) which is 666.

Pedro Garcia Millan dijo...



You see, Bush Sr., & Jr., Clinton, Reagan, Carter, Obama, Ford...ALL these presidents are in what is dubbed a SECRET SOCIETY called The Moloch Axis Demoniacs (i coined the phrase myself...Dr. A.P. and i don't use my full name because WHO knows WHAT sinister crap they'd do to me IF they found out?) or M.A.D. for short.

These people, and there’s obviously more of them (Cheney, Rumsfeld etc.) than the ones mentioned, control KEY positions not just in government, business, finance, society etc. They not only perpetuate what will keep them in power today, but take steps to GRADUALLY erode MORAL, SOCIAL and FAMILY VALUES in society. This degradation is so gradual that it's like hair loss! You see it ever so slowly and you have to be a keen eye to boot!

For example, women in the workforce...they go to work so WHO takes care of the kids? Some goofs getting minimum wage who could care less about those kids. Family split apart because NOW both parents work and the cost of life itself purposely increased to perpetuate this separation. Kids grow up with NO moral/social/family values. Repeat this a few generations and before you know it, you have mindless zombies that don't know RIGHT from WRONG! The masses will be easily programmable to get in debt, and be anti-Christ-like etc. Add ASPERTAME, Fluoride in tap water, MSG and genetically modified foodstuffs to the mix and the process expands both rapidly & exponentially.

Also, the coming mark of the beast 666. Remember HOW it all used to be ca$h only? Then they introduced checks, then credit cards to get yourself in serious financial troubles, then ATM cards, and now that STUPID SWIPE-PASS card. What is the purpose of all this? To get people broken down enough and stupid enough through putting FLUORIDE in the drinking water and ASPERTAME in soda drinks/pop cans so we ALL can accept the 666 chip. So NOBODY can buy or sell or own ANYTHING lest he has the mark of the beast (anti-Christ) which is 666.

Pedro Garcia Millan dijo...

I can go on for days & days as to the subtleties and more examples but i think you all SEE the points i make here. It's all SUBTLE and GRADUAL negative changes day in & day out that these M.A.D. demons (because they are demonic and have placed their trust in demons in exchange for their souls and material possessions here on earth) are passing into laws in Canada, USA, UK, SPAIN, FRANCE etc.

Unknown dijo...

La Ola para mi que hace pensar ciertas cosas pero contenido y forma estan muy mal tratados.